Friday, March 23, 2007

How much creativity is enough?

How much creativity is enough?

Is there an optimal level of creativity for a person to have?

Perhaps there is no optimal level of creativity but I liked the poem about the red roses and green leaves. In a managerial situation one must perhaps develop competencies to ensure that the optimal level of creative freedom of employees or subordinates is matched by tasks which maximize their development and output of creative strengths. This would require developing an awareness of creativity which would inspire others to develop their own optimal levels.

Is it possible to be “too creative?”

Depending on the needs and goals of an organisation there might be times when creativity can be excessive especially if it detracts from profits and effectiveness. It really depends on the situation doesn't it? Accountants are not supposed to be very creative with their calculations data and must be held to strict standards and requirements. However advertising campaign organizers might have much liberal freedom to think up newer and better ways to build a mousetrap.

Is it true, or a myth, that creative people can be difficult to manage?

If their creativity conflicts with effective performance of certain tasks this might indicate a difficulty in management. Social dynamics however often single out members as being the same or different and among certain learning styles where some might dominate depending on specific technical fields. The odd one out might often be difficult to handle if one does not have a flexible core group of individuals. Then one does often have a mob which often singles out creative ideas for deletion rather than development out of hysterical self-censorship issues related to low-risk tolerances for change or creativity.

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