Systems are functions or activities within an organization, which work together for the aims of the organization. Need to view the whole thing as an entity and concentrate upon changing the links or functions.
2. Explain the quality concerns of each major function of a manufacturing system.
1. Marketing and Sales:
3. How can business support systems help to sustain quality in an organization? List the key business support activities and their role in quality.
4. What types of organizations fall under the definition of services? Why is service quality especially important in today’s business environment?
- Any primary/complimentary activity that does not produce a physical product
- No goods parts of transactions
- Service sector grown rapidly
- 1945: 22.99 million/1997: 97.66 millions
- 79.8% non-farm labourers in US working in services
- Definitions of quality apply equally to service products
5. How do service standards differ from manufacturing specifications? How are they similar?
1. Customers needs/performance standards difficult to identify/measure
2. Production of services requires higher customization
3. Output can be INTANGIBLE
4. Services produced/consumed simultaneously
5. Customers involved in the process
6. Generally labour intensive (like these questions!)
7. Large numbers of customer transactions
6. Discuss the differences between manufacturing and service organizations. What are the implications of these differences for quality assurance?
Differences require different analytical tools, and statistical methods. Measurement is less precise than manufacturing
7. Explain the roles of employees and information technology in providing quality service. How does the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company use employees and information technology for quality service?
EMPLOYEES: If employee satisfaction is high, so is customer satisfaction. Ritz Carlton: Employee empowerment is high, training over 100 hours/focus on people.(Low turnover, below industry averages, under 30% annually- still seems mighty HIGH)
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: High volumes of information on customer demands, increasing speed of knowledge of individual guest preferences
8. Summarize the status of quality in the healthcare industry. How do the recommendations of the President’s Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry address the basic principles of TQ described in Chapter One?
- Improvement in medical setting has mostly been in areas of cost reduction and improved efficiency
- Similar to Deming’s 14 points (there are TWELVE on pages 65-66)
9. Summarize the major quality initiatives used in education. How are the approaches at K-12 institutions similar and different from those used in the colleges and universities discussed in the chapter?
- Active involvement in whole school community
- Committed leadership
- Employment of continuous improvement system
- Environment that celebrates success
- KOOALITY KID! (Australian connection?)
10. Describe some of the key quality initiatives that have been taken in the Government sector.
1. Reduce branch internal regulations
2. Partnership council for employees/union reps.
3. Community Advisory: Integrated services
4. Best in business customer service standards (But still like snails?)
5. Reduce in staff cuts and ratios of people per supervisor
6. Improve agency rule making procedures
7. Implement management reform
1 comment:
thanks! this thelped me a lot. :D
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