Sunday, September 21, 2008

Transnational Migration and Canadians Abroad

APF Canada’s Policy Research Grants support independent academic research on policy issues related to Canada's relations with Asia. Applicants are typically, though not exclusively. associated with a university, research institute or NGO. Proposals by industry and/or Asia Practitioners are welcome. Joint sponsorship with another academic or research institution is encouraged, but not required. Applicants need not reside in Canada nor be Canadian citizens or permanent residents. All applications will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to public policy issues and options in Canada.

Transnational Migration and Canadians Abroad

Research by APF Canada suggests some 9% of Canadian citizens, or approximately 2.7 million passport holders, live abroad. The Foundation believes these global Canadians -- the Canadian Diaspora -- are important but poorly understood elements in Canada’s place in the world. Global Canadians serve as conduits encouraging greater linkages between their new country of residence and Canada. Similarly, immigrants can facilitate two-way trade and investment between Canada and their country of origin. The policy implications of transmigration and the growing number of Canadians abroad were evident in the 2006 large-scale evacuation of Canadians from Lebanon. However, there is very little analysis of the opportunities, challenges and impacts arising from Canada’s overseas citizens.

The Foundation is focusing its research on a series of areas including country profiles of Canadians abroad; the role of the Canadian Diaspora on Canada’s trade, investment, innovation, and international relations; citizenship issues with respect to Canadian identity and attachment to Canada, voting, tax and other civic responsibilities; and health, political discourse and security. It is intended that these efforts will enable the Foundation to help policy-makers better understand and respond to the opportunities and challenges of the Canadian Diaspora.

In support of its research agenda, in 2008/2009, the Foundation is offering Policy Research Grants to support research and analysis in, but not confined to, the following areas:

The impact of recent immigration from Asia on transpacific cultural relations
Economic, political and cultural implications of the Canadian Diaspora in Asia
The implications of transnational migration for citizenship and immigration policy

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