Monday, February 06, 2006

A Vblogger with a lot of gonzo

On my way back from Fukoka I met up with this vblog character named Nathan Miller. To put it in a gonzo context, what he does with vblogs is obviously meeting the types of micro-market online communities that Locke addresses. Nathan mentioned his website has average daily hit rates numbering about 1500.
This guy defines gonzo as off the wall (like my hat?) and here is a link.
God only knows what he is going to come up with next and that is the point of gonzo marketing. That I met up with this fellow and sort of understand his hobby is also the point. Obviously my recent readings of Locke made me see what Nathan Miller is producing and presenting is a pretty unique and artistic view of topics of his own choice. However, in highly conformist societies how and what he presents is perhaps unsettling. So gonzos again are pushing an envelope on the purposes and pretences of mass marketing and media penetration.

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